
Sanders holds six-point lead in Wisconsin

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr

A new Baldwin Wallace University poll of Wisconsin voters shows Bernie Sanders in first place with a commanding six-point lead over Joe Biden.

28.4 percent of respondents said Sanders was their first choice in the Wisconsin primary. 21.8 percent said they would vote for Joe Biden, giving Sanders a lead of more than 6 percent.

Elizabeth Warren finished in third place with 14.7 percent, while no other candidate polled in the double-digits.

Sanders also led when respondents were asked which candidate would be their second choice. 21.2 percent said they would support Sanders, while just 13.5 percent would consider Biden.

The poll also asked to what extend respondents were motivated to vote in this year’s presidential election. 76.2 percent said they were “very motivated.”

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