
Seth MacFarlane introduces Bernie Sanders in LA

The creator of Family Guy endorsed Bernie Sanders this week, and introduced him to an enthusiastic crowd at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

Seth MacFarlane introduced Bernie to the loud and enthusiastic crowd in Los Angeles. Not long after, the man of the hour, Senator Bernie Sanders took the stage.

A photo posted by Sydney (@vintagesoul69) on Oct 14, 2015 at 6:05pm PDT

“I do not represent the agenda of the billionaire class or corporate America. I don’t want their money. I don’t need their money,” he told the crowd.

“Just as a result of last night’s debate, I am told we have raised $2 million.”

In his speech to the fundraiser, Sanders discussed income and wealth inequality, as well as many issues that arose in last night’s CNN Democratic debate.

Bernie Sanders is on Ellen tomorrow

It’s time to step up for Bernie