
It’s time to step up for Bernie

Make a contribution to Bernie’s campaign this week to help kickstart field operations in Nevada and the Super Tuesday states.

Bernie 2016 has grown a strong field campaign in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire. We’re leading in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, but we’ve got a long way to go in the Palmetto State.

This week, the campaign kicked off its field program in Nevada. We’ve got a long way to go there, as well.

Click here to make a direct donation to Bernie 2016.

Those are the four early voting states. The campaign has obviously made fantastic progress in two of them, and the poll numbers are showing that to be the case. So much work needs to be done in Nevada and South Carolina.

Then comes Super Tuesday. Those are twelve states where the campaign doesn’t have a field operation setup (not that Vermont needs one).

The campaign still needs our help to fund this massive operation. They need resources, people on the ground and offices across these key states to help get Bernie’s message out.

Bernie hasn’t got corporate backers, and he hasn’t got a Super PAC, so it’s up to us to fund the political revolution.

Chip in a few dollars to help fund the political revolution.

Please consider making a donation to Bernie 2016 before the end of the week, to help fund the campaign’s efforts on the ground in the early voting and (soon), the Super Tuesday states.

Click here to donate to Bernie’s campaign.

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