
Sanders leads in New Hampshire CNN poll

Photo by Bryan Giardinelli/Bernie 2020 Campaign Photographer

A University of New Hampshire poll conducted for CNN shows Bernie Sanders with a seven point lead over Pete Buttigieg in the Granite State.

Overall, 28 percent of likely New Hampshire primary voters say they will vote for Bernie Sanders. 21 percent said they would support Pete Buttigieg. Former vice president Joe Biden finished a distant third with just 11 percent support.

Since January, Sanders’ support in the state has grown by three percent.

Among voters aged between 18 and 34, Sanders has a commanding 35 point lead, with 51 percent saying they will vote for the Vermont Senator. Sanders also leads in the 35 to 49 age group.

The poll found Joe Biden to the be the least liked candidate in the race, with 17 percent of respondents saying they would not vote for him under any circumstances.

Sanders was the candidate voters thought had the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in the general election. The Vermont Senator has picked up nine points on that question since January, while Biden has fallen by 16 points.

The survey of 365 likely Democratic primary voters was conducted between February 4 and 7. The New Hampshire primary will take place on Tuesday 11 February.

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