After winning the most votes in last week’s Iowa caucuses, Bernie Sanders has scored a second victory in the Granite State, beating moderates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar.
Media outlets, including NBC, Politico and ABC called the race for Sanders at approximately 11pm ET.
With 83 percent of precincts reporting, Sanders leads with 26 percent of the total vote. Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are close runers up, with 24 percent and 20 percent of the vote respectively.
Elizabeth Warren is in fourth place with 9 percent of the vote. Joe Biden had a catastrophic day in the Granite State, winning just over 8 percent of the total vote. The former vice president flew out of the state before polls had even closed. He is staking the survival of his campaign on South Carolina.
Speaking to an energetic crowd of supporters in Manchester, New Hampshire, Sanders said that tonight is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.
“This is a movement from coast to coast, which is demanding that we finally have an economy and a government that works for all of us, not wealthy campaign contributors,” the Vermont Senator said.
“I want to thank all of those people who have worked and contributed to our campaign.”
Businessman Andrew Yang suspended his campaign following the result in Iowa. He finished with less than three percent of the vote in the state. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday suggest a plurality of Yang’s supporters will move to support Bernie Sanders.
While Sanders has benefited from the fracturing of the moderate vote between Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Biden, the Vermont Senator has seen an increase of support both in New Hampshire and nationally since last week.
Exit polling suggests Sanders’ popularity with young voters fuelled his victory in the Granite State, winning 53 percent of the under 30 vote. Sanders also won the most votes from the 44 percent of voters who said they were undeclared or independent.