
Poll puts Sanders ahead in New Mexico

Photo via Shelly Prevost/Flickr

The first poll of the primary season conducted in New Mexico puts Bernie Sanders ahead of Democratic rivals.

Sanders holds a one-point lead in the land of enchantment, according to the Emerson poll of Democratic primary voters. 28 percent said they supported the Vermont Senator, with 27 percent saying they supported former vice president Joe Biden.

The only other candidate to receive double-digit support was entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who registered 10 percent support. The poll showed Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg with 7 and 8 percent support, respectively.

In hypothetical head-to-head general election match-ups, Sanders outperformed his Democratic opponents, with 59 percent of registered voters saying they would vote for him over Trump.

55 percent said they would vote for Buttigieg over Trump, while 54 percent supported Warren and Biden over the incumbent president.

The Emerson poll also showed President Trump with a 54 percent disapproval and 39 percent approval rating among New Mexico voters.

Bernie Sanders

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